Let me tell you about my favorite family portrait photographer. When I was filming segment on NBC's Today Show, my friend Tamorn Hall introduced me to a very talented and charming young photographer named Lindsay May.

Tamron had asked me if I had pictures of myself with my family that could be included in my interview on the Today Show. I have almost no pictures of myself with my family. It's ironic since I'm one of the most photographed people in the world that I'm hardly ever in any family pictures. Why? because like most moms, I snap almost all the photos of the family.
When I walked into the cozy inviting studio that Lindsay May heads up, she had me before she even got behind the camera and said "Smile".
The sophistication and simplicity of the images adoring the walls of the studio just blew me away. I've worked with the best photographers in the world, and I've been on the cover of Vogue more than once, and I am, as you can imagine, very particular about how I look in pictures. Lindsay May is world class at what she does - shooting kids, pets and families. I've returned to her studio many times since this first photo was taken, and she always makes me laugh, puts my husband and kids at ease, and she brings us all together in one beautiful and memorable image after another.

Lindsay May has been at this since she was nine years old. Her appreciation for black and white photography was innate, and at eleven years old she scoured magazines for the fashion shoot tear sheets and literally wallpapered her bedroom. My kind of girl!
At seventeen, friends were lining up to have their senior pictures taken. Word had gotten out that Lindsay’s pictures had a different look to them, a more natural kind of portrait that let people’s true personality and beauty shine through.

Lindsay attended Trinity College in Hartford, CT and The Art Institute of Philadelphia where she fine tuned her passion into a true profession. Lindsay proceeded to launch a successful career that included headshot portraiture to celebrity fashion spreads in national magazines and everything in between. Her specialty is capturing the inner personality of her subjects. Combine that with her love for children and Classic Kids was a natural fit.

Since 2007, Lindsay May has made Classic Kids on New York’s Upper East Side her home. Her personality is one that instantly puts her subjects at ease. Her laughter is frequent and infectious, kids love her and it shows in her work. Most importantly I've come to think of Lindsay May as a friend and everyone I send to her, both kids and parents agree, no one makes a monkey face like Lindsay May.
