Are you getting your vitamins?
My mother always said, "Take your vitamins. Make sure you get enough vitamins in your food. " Just because we listen to good advice, doesn't always mean that we know how to follow it - even when we really do want to.

I've been feeling confused about vitamins since I heard about the New York State Attorney General's report in 2015 alleging that most vitamins are fake; meaning that many supplements neither contain the ingredients nor do they or perform as promised by the label. I wonder every time I see a bottle of supplements on the shelf in a store if they really what they say they are. Do they really do what they say do?
I'm confused about what vitamins are real?
I'm lucky when it comes to vitamins because I've been working with the New York Times best-selling author and nutritionist, Dr. Oz Garcia, since the early 90's .I've done numerous interviews attesting to how much Dr. Garcia's dietary guidance and vitamin supplements helped me maintain my health weight and sanity, all of which were essential to my successful career as a supermodel.
I'm 100% secure in the advice he gives me about what to take to augment what I may be missing in my diet in order to promote stamina muscle recovery and bone health and for maintaining a healthy weight. I think we can all agree that everyone of us can benefit from adding the right vitamins to our diets.
But how do you know if you're buying real vitamins or the right vitamins if you don't access to a nutritionist? You get your supermodel friend Veronica to get the ABC's of choosing vitamins according to Oz Garcia:
What are Dr. Oz Garcia's ABC's of buying the right vitamins?
1.Read the customer reviews on Oz himself independently reads through thousands of consumer reviews, most of which are often, according to Oz, "full of frank and useful information." The buyer profile of the person who reviewed the product on Amazon will help to give you a good idea of how a product might work for you and your family.
2. is one of the toughest and fairest sites when it comes to researching and rating supplements. Consumer Lab is strongly biased against products and in favor of you the end consumer.
3. Remember, vitamins are an industry like the car industry or another industry. Safety ratings and recalls are published online. You can never be too careful, so take the time and do a little research before you road test any vitamin supplement.
Tip: Read Oz Garcia's Book Redesigning Fifty - it will change your health habits and your life for the better. Get daily updates on Twitter: @OzGarcia.
